Words by Vaughan Wallis, Illustrations by Pat Volz You may have heard of the Korean Wave, the spread of Korean...
Uncovering the Underground: The Korean Indie Rock Scene & The 10 Best Bands Words by Michael Berry It is patently...
We all know that in Korea, slaps and TV dramas go together like chicken and beer. But beyond just their ubiquity, a lot of stereotypes pop up in these smack-happy situations. Here are ten of the most typical types of Korean drama slaps, along with some of their best examples. 10. The...
Some say that Instagram is under-utilized in Korea, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t gems of weird, wacky, wisdom-dropping Korean-themed...
Elise Hu of National Public Radio (NPR) prefers iCal to Post-it notes, e-books to hardcopy, and video to text or...
If you’re new to Korea and you love the arts then look no further. Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you should put your hobbies on hold! Whether you’re a seasoned performed, rekindling an old flame, or trying something new, our list of 10 Best Performance Groups Korea...
10 Korean YouTube Channels You Need to Know ‘Power YouTubers’ are the new online celebrities in Korea. What may have...
Days And Nights Of A Hurricane: Portraits Of A Drag Queen’s Seoul Words and Pictures by Argus Paul Between March 29...
With Instagram becoming one of the most commonly used social media channels in South Korea, there has been a hot incline of female instagrammers stepping up their fashion game. These Korean girls-next-door are either models, normal college students, company employees, youtube famous, fashion bloggers, or fashion mall CEOs. Their photos...
Are you enthusiastic about modern art and want to take your love to the next level? Well, how about being...