Where’s the Sauce? Words by George Kalli, Illustration by Jonathan Burello “Where’s the sauce?” Warren frantically repeated in his very passable...
JoinedJanuary 2, 2015
George Kalli arrived in Seoul from Anchorage, Alaska in September 2012 to work as an engineer. While in Korea, his two main goals are to travel throughout Asia as much as possible and to convince more drinking establishments to offer his favorite buzz-inducing substance, Fernet. So far, he has been to many more countries than bars that serve Fernet in Seoul.
Terminal Transfer From Hell Illustration by Jonathan Burrello I accomplished all I’d hoped my first weekend in the Philippines. I...
Celebrating in Cebu Words by George Kalli Illustration by Jonathan Burrello Having already spent an unplanned day in Cebu, I...
Happy Ending: Houseguests from Hell Words by George Kalli Illustration by Lucian Chung Lucky enough to have hosted numerous guests...