How to Convert Your Clothing Size in Korea

Convert Korean Clothing Size
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Do you need help on how to convert Korean clothing sizes? Every country around the world has its own way of size clothes and South Korea is no exception to this. While you could use trial and error while buying clothes, here at 10 Magazine we have compiled a nice list of clothing size charts for you to find your size.

Here are sets of summary tables to convert Korean clothing sizes for women, men, children, and babies!

Korean clothing sizes for women

Since the sizes of the clothes are measured according to Korean standard body frames, a medium in your country can be totally different from a medium in South Korea, which makes it hard to convert Korean clothing sizes. The majority of Korean women are quite petite, the most produced size being a 55 (or international size small!). Even the shape of garments is slightly different in Korea. You might have noticed that clothes in stores start a little smaller and finish a little smaller as well. South Korea does not have much in the way of plus sizes, however, there are specialty shops in foreign districts where you can find clothes.

Korean clothing sizes for men

In South Korea, the shape of men’s garments is not much different from the rest of the world, but it can still be difficult to find your corresponding Korean size. For tall or larger men, you can specialty clothing in foreign districts such as Itaewon.

Korean clothing sizes for baby and children

Brands in South Korea usually indicate the height and the weight for baby clothes, so make sure you record it before traveling here (or leaving the house). This method makes it easy to shop for babies rather than clothes labeled by months.

Just like for the size of the clothes, the Korean shoe sizes can also differ from your home country. For people who can’t find their size in stores, you can find shoe stores in foreigner districts, or order online via Gmarket or stores like H&M and Zara. Here is a guide for Korean shoe sizes for women and men!

Korean shoes sizes for women

Korean shoes sizes for men

Of course for the ladies that want to buy some lingerie in South Korea here is a summary table for the bra sizes!

Korean Bras sizes

Finally, the majority of the international brands use the same size system around the world. But for the best fit on all clothes, it’s always best to try everything on first! Now that you know how to convert your clothing size in Korea, check out these popular places for shopping in Seoul! Good luck and happy shopping!