A List of some of the Top and Up-and-Coming Korean Expat Community Facebook Groups
Facebook groups in Korea are the new community. Or community groups are now Facebook groups in Korea. Or something. Anyway these days we don’t have to be bothered with troublesome activities such as getting dressed and can be a real human member of society from the comfort of our own keyboards. Here are 10 Facebook community groups related to life in Korea that are worth your time.
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The 10 Hottest Korea Facebook Groups
Foreigners in South Korea Who Love Living Here
What they say;
“We want to set a good example to everyone that there are “foreigners” that actually love Korea and not the ones that complain about it all the time.”
What we say;
Heading the list of ‘Group Lovely’ these guys only accept the positive. In fact the only complaints you’ll read here are admin complaining in the nicest possible way about people complaining.
Good for;
Events, photos, travel advice, meeting people and, like, totally positive vibes man.
Bad for;
Reminding you that you are a horrible human being and you really must try harder to be like these guys.
Animal Rescue Network Korea
What they say;
“Animal Rescue Network Korea is an on-line network devoted to helping animals in Republic of Korea.”
What we say;
But what about the puppies? The puppies never hurt anyone! And cats too! They’re just soooo cute. And the wabbits! God himself made the wabbits! And the birds, the lovely lovely birds! (some of them, not chickens obviously). Sod the mosquitoes and blackflies, and when was the last time a cockroach brought you your slippers? Exactly!
Good for;
Finding out about kittens that have been abandoned on a rooftop.
Bad for;
Finding out that kittens have been abandoned on a rooftop.
Restaurant Buzz Seoul
What they say;
“Tired of being the last person to find out about a new hot spot? Want to know any restaurants offering new items or deep discounts? This is the place!”
What we say;
HOPE YOU LIKE BURGERS! No seriously, this group covers food from all around the world and NOT JUST BURGERS. Food offers and specials, new restaurants, old favourites, Korean, international, the works! (But on the off chance that you maybe from time to time just occasionally enjoy a patty sandwich, they definitely cater for that too.)
Good for;
BURGER INFORMATION AND UPDATES. Restaurant offers and specials, and a fab and knowledgeable foodie community.
Bad for;
Helping you fit into those new skinny jeans.
Foreign Professors and University English Teachers in Korea
What they say;
“…to share and exchange information about teaching strategies, research support, general group support, job openings and how to acquire them, relevant meetings and events, and Masters and PhD programs.”
What we say;
Have an argument and pretend it’s a debate! You’re not as clever as some of these people, and if you forget it, they’ll remind you. Godwin’s Law is not strictly followed if you instead suggest the previous poster is reflecting a ‘pseudo-intellectual, tyrannical-authoritarian autocracy within a post-conflict, depression era Teutonic paradigm.’ Lot’s of great help, support, advice and feedback with only the occasional keyboard warrior who thinks they have tenure at Harvard. YOU TEACH CREDIT ENGLISH, GET OVER YOURSELF!
Good for;
Ideas for that class whose name and curriculum changed 2 days before it starts, occasional job postings, checking out potential Uni job offers, reminding people you have an E1.
Bad for;
Make grammar error.
Book Traders Korea
What they say;
“For those who want to eliminate the middle man (book store). List the books you want to trade and start trading. You cannot sell books on this page…only trading.”
What we say;
As of today 130 members but isn’t it a wonderful idea? It’s a gorgeous sweet-smelling, chrysanthemum of an idea plucked from the Garden of Delight at the end of Sweetness Lane. Let’s have an experiment, let’s all join this group and turn it into a roving feral behemoth of a group. But only to swap proper books; books about grandmothers remembering their ill-fated wartime love affairs, books about men wearing britches, books about people finding very occasional reasons to hold a moments fleeting happiness in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Books that, in general, involve an enormous amount of regret.
Good for;
Swapping books that were made into a film starring Colin Firth.
Bad for;
Selling your old xbox games.
HBC / Itaewon Information Board
What they say;
“Google exists, use it. Don’t ask stupid questions that could easily be found with minimal effort.”
What we say;
One of the best groups in Korea for making the reader feel like they are part of a community. Despite the Admin’s admirable efforts, it still attracts many posts attempting to sell 1/3 of a bottle of roll-on deodorant/sunflower oil and people asking questions it would literally be faster and easier to ask Google, hence the popular defensive opening line “I tried asking Google but…“. HBC board makes things happen and has even given birth to little grouplets of its own such as the worthy if acronymically dubious PUSH – People Unite against Street Harassment.
Good for;
Buying, selling, information, offers, getting that phone/wallet you found back to the rightful owner, starting a soon-to-be-erased discussion about public molestation.
Bad for;
People asking ‘How do I do up my shirt?, ‘What colour are my eyes?’, ‘Would you like to buy my single, worn-out, dirty, unmatched sock for 80% of what I paid for it 3 years ago?’
OinK – Only in Korea
What they say;
“The admin team stands in solidarity with the belief that freedom of speech and acceptance of all are and will continue to be the motivating factors for how this group operates. We encourage you to be aware of the law here in Korea and how it can be used against you.”
What we say;
One man’s negative is another man’s truth, one woman’s racism, is another’s photo-of-an-adjussi-smoking-under-a-non-smoking sign. At best, a fun-loving meme-fest, at worst a strongly critical friend.
Good for;
Memes, banter, ranting, jokes, Korean anomalies, weird stuff, grinding one’s gears.
Bad for;
The faint hearted.
Festivals and Events in Korea
What they say;
“…pertinent information regarding your festival or event. Who, What, Where, When and How much?”
What we say;
The 27000+ members kind of speaks for itself. This is the place for your good-time guidance.
Good for;
Pertinent information regarding festivals and events. Who, What, Where, When and How much?
Bad for;
Me. This group reminds me that I’m a grumpy old ahjussi who last attended an “event” about the same time that people were asking, “Just who is this Borack Abama guy?”
What they say;
“Welcome to the Gwangju page! A group for Expats and Koreans alike. This is your first stop for all information on life in Gwangju. Enjoy, share and feel free to ask questions. Lets keep it Gwangju and please keep it civil.”
What we say;
Gwangju? Where’s Gwangju? Is that an island? Hold on let me check Google maps… Ooooooohhh right, where the Formula 1 was, oh gosh I’ve been there, it’s lovely is Gwangju, proper lovely, and so is this page. Incredibly active and friendly, full of fun events and free tickets to this that and the other, maybe humanity is not quite as doomed as I thought it was; keeping it real in Gwangju. Word.
Good for;
Friendliness, events, advice, directions, community spirit.
Bad for;
Making you want to move to Gwangju.
Expat Women in Korea
What they say;
“A place for all expat women in Korea to get questions answered, sell their wares, and seek comfort in a safe, non-judgmental group… No men.”
What we say;
No men? Who’s going to put your shelves up? I totally get that women want a space to ask… women’s questions, I support this, I don’t even want to think about what those questions are and I have truly no answers at all. If someone asked me one of those questions, I would just give them a high five and a nervous smile, buy them an ice cream and hope that that made everything better.
Good for;
Sharing, caring, loving, listening, supporting, empowering, plotting the downfall of patriarchal socio-cultural systems.
Bad for;
Finding a husband.