Side Hustle: Your Part-Time Job in Korea Guide

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With the recent minimum-wage hike, living in Korea is about to get a lot more expensive. You can already see prices go up on groceries, taxis, and more. Whether you’re looking to scraping by as a student and want some cushion room or looking to supplement the income for your full-time job (student loans are killer, amirite?), check out these ways you can (with the right visa) side hustle in Korea.

How To Find Part Time Jobs in Korea

Teaching English Part-Time, or Tutoring

If you’re from an English-speaking country, or even have good command over the language, teaching English part-time is the easiest way to go about getting a side job. There are plenty of sites to find part-time jobs and tutoring gigs, but the most simple, time-saving one is ESL Job Map.

esl job map

Use the map to find jobs near your house or school, then use filters to find part-time versus full-time. Instead of emailing the school, with chances you forget who you wrote to or other unfortunate miscommunication situations, pre-write your application/resume when you register and send it directly through the site. You can keep track of all your applications through your profile. Easy, right?

While sites like Dave’s or Craigslist may have a reputation for listing English-teaching jobs, ESL Job Map is trying to bring job sites into the 21st century. Give it a shot and apply for some jobs near you. For additional job-searching sites to aid you in finding a job in Korea, feel free to explore our 22 Craigslist Seoul Alternatives guide.

Acting/Modeling/Voice Work Part Time

Another option for the side hustle would be acting, modeling, and voice acting jobs that can be found through the jobs section of Craigslist, or by signing with an agency. Work as an extra for movies and TV shows can be a fun way to find out about set life, but make sure you take it seriously! You can easily earn, or ruin, a reputation for how you work. While these can provide good money for short working hours, they can be unreliable and employers are very choosy on who they pick. That’s the life of modeling and acting after all! Try building up that portfolio and watch your skills and opportunities open up!

Work as an Au Pair Part Time or Full Time

baby childcare babysit

Working as an Au Pair might not be considered part-time, as usually families like you to live with them. But with a little searching, you can easily find a family that can fit your schedule. What is an au pair, you ask?

An au pair is a household assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family’s responsibility for childcare as well as some housework and receive a monetary allowance for personal use.


There are many opportunities as an English-speaker for au pair work, as families are interested in their children learning English while young. Just as modeling and acting work go, families are quite picky about who they hire (since you’ll have a big influence on their kids!). So if you always loved babysitting or once thought of being a nanny, give being an au pair a shot!

Bars, Clubs and More Part Time

Bars in hot-spots such as Hongdae, Itaewon, and Gangnam are starting to look for more international employees to satisfy the boost in foreign clients recently. So if you like making drinks, promoting parties, or just in general are a party animal, ask around to see who is hiring. You will have to speak some Korean and will need a student visa or other permanent residence visa (except F4). But these jobs can be tons of fun and help you meet a lot of new people!

If you’re not sure of what visa you might need to work legally in South Korea, check out our visa guide here.

Know of any other good part-time jobs? Let us know in the comments! And as always, follow our Facebook or Twitter for 10 Magazine updates!