The Truth About How Much Coffee Is Too Much

Exhausted and overworked office worker. Man drinks too much coffee.

How much is too much coffee? This is a question that most of us rarely ask ourselves as we go on quenching our coffee thirst. It is no secret that there are many benefits associated with coffee. But even the best things turn harmful when overdone.

Moderation is always emphasized in everything we do. You get some doses a little too high and you just opened the door for disaster. Coffee, just like many beverages we take, can lead to serious ailments when it’s consumed too much. The question we look to answer today is, when should you stop your daily unmonitored consumption of coffee?

Too much coffee has always been known to increase tension and accelerate anxiety. Too much coffee in your system tends to heighten your stress levels. Due to the fact that most of us are coffee lovers, our bodies get used to certain quantities of coffee. This forms a caffeine addiction.

Habitual Coffee Consumption

Now, since we both know the symptoms of an addiction, you can widely guess one of the common side effects of coffee tolerance. When you form a habit of drinking three to four cups of coffee, your brains gets used to that. Your habit may become so strong that every time you want to get some work done, you need a cup of coffee beside you.

This form of habitual coffee drinking can be quite detrimental to your work performance. This habit becomes a necessity with time. Your body and brain ends up being dependent on the coffee. In the long run, you will not feel like yourself until you consume three or four cups of coffee. You won’t think or focus clearly until you get your daily coffee intake.

Too Much Coffee And Anxiety

Coffee, as I mentioned before, is a significantly popular and safe stimulant. However, as Dr. Christopher N Ochner points out “unfortunately stimulants carry with them side effects of anxiety, which destroys your concentration. Caffeine can make you nervous and worrisome, which occupies some of ones thinking capacity.”

Accessories for coffee on the wooden table horizontal, super still life

For those of us who are not really used to kicking it with coffee, it is a good idea to try very small quantities at first. If the coffee you consume for your first time is too much, you run the risk of wrecking yourself with anxiety. If you are always fueled with anxiety, then caffeine will be like gasoline to a fire.

Coffee will definitely keep you alert and awake but at the expense of sleep. Lack of sleep is what we call insomnia. It starts as a voluntary action and then made permanent by too much coffee. You take too much coffee to the extent that your body overrides the sleep receptors. Your body’s clock gets tampered with and with it, the sleep durations. Lack of enough sleep at night can disrupt your daily work routine. You need to be informed about how coffee can affect your sleep in order to regulate its intake.

Too Much Coffee Begets Hypertension

In a research published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, an increase in the intake of coffee can be associated to cases of hypertension to a lesser degree. In this study, a systematic meta-analysis and review of projected long term studies which investigated the relationship between habitual consumption of coffee and the risks of hypertension was carried out.

It is always advisable to monitor your coffee intake and what better way to do that than preparing your own cup of coffee. There are many home coffee grinders to help you with that.

Coffee And Diabetes

Most often than not, we are too consumed by the short term benefits of something that we often overlook the long term negative effects that particular thing can do to our bodies. You probably do not

Roasted coffee beans in a burlap sack

stop to ask yourself, how much of the coffee you are drinking can trigger diabetes.

Clinical and laboratory studies confirm that caffeine often exaggerates the insulin and glucose responses in our bodies.

This is more prevalent especially if you are a habitual coffee drinker suffering from type 2 diabetes. Efforts to regulate and control the glucose in diabetic patients are thwarted by the postprandial effects which occur in our daily lives.

It is no doubt, we should regulate our intake of coffee if we are aiming to lead a healthy life. Just like smoking, too much coffee consumption can create a craving not easily quenchable. We must focus in achieving tasks without relying on coffee, otherwise we will become slaves to coffee.