Which of the following apply to you?
- When I wake up in the morning, I first check my phone notifications.
- When I go to work, I scroll through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or play games.
- I work or study with a computer.
- In between classes, or breaks in work, I check my phone.
- On my way home, I play games, check social media or read news on my phone.
- When home, I watch TV, Netflix or Youtube to unwind from my day.
- Before I go to sleep, I check my phone one more time before setting an alarm and plugging in my phone cable, which is right next to my bed.
If you answered “yes” to more than 4 of these, you probably need a digital detox.
In a hyper-competitive, super-connected and fast-paced society like South Korea’s, people are longing for an escape from the real world and often use their online presence as that relief. In fact, smartphone users are on average looking at their devices for 3 hours a day. Compound this with computer time at work and TV time at home, and there’s a huge percentage of our lives we spend detached from reality.
Heal Yourself with Nature in Gangwon-do
There’s a place in Gangwon-do aiming to fight what 21st-century convenience has done to us. Healience Seonmaeul Resort, named aptly for its ability to detoxify through the power of nature, is perched on top of a 250-meter-high slope and nestled amongst the natural beauty of Korean mountains. Spend your night in a room surrounded by nature, filled with natural sunlight and constructed using eco-friendly materials.
But just being among nature is not all that will detoxify your life. There are no TVs in Healience. Cell phone signal is limited to the lobby. Even microwaves are prohibited on the premises. If reading this scares you or ruins your interest, perhaps you need to visit more than you think.
Health Programs at Healience Seonmaeul Resort
Healience’s “Healing Program” preaches the power of four habits: mindfulness, healthy eating, exercise and “lifestyle rhythm”. More specifically, these include stress management, quality sleep, nutritional diet, and consistent exercise, no matter the time or place.
Facilities like a music hall, cafe, spa and sauna, library, gallery, and rooms for yoga ensure that even though you’ve turned off your devices, you won’t just be watching trees blow in the wind all day. You’ll learn to talk to others without constantly checking for notifications. You’ll learn to appreciate the natural beauty without the need to upload photos to Instagram. You’ll learn that your body really responds well to natural foods and gentle exercise.
The founders of Healience intended the resort to be a healing place, focusing on components of “well-aging” and has silently followed the philosophy of “intended inconvenience”.
For once, instead of charging your phone, charge your own personal energy instead. Visit Healience’s website for more information on programs, reservations and more.