An Evening With Bburi Kitchen
Although there are endless options for learning about traditional Korean foods and healthy eating for Korean speakers in Seoul, options are relatively limited for expats. Bburi Kitchen is a new group based in Samgakgi that mixes an educational cooking class, social group and quality dining. One of their regular offerings includes small gatherings where they share local Korean foods procured on trips around the country.
Bburi Kitchen is headed up by business partners Sonja Swanson, a writer and Stanford grad, and Seoyoung Jung, a former Michelin-star chef, and the collaboration is exceptionally well balanced. For each dish, Sonja goes to great lengths to detail everything from its etymology, cultural context, and taxonomy; all of which are then complimented by Seoyoung’s culinary analysis and practical cooking tips.
On Saturday, January 30th, they hosted one of these evenings after trekking down to Guryonpo in the Southern Gyeongsan provinces.The night started with a sampling of 4 different types of seaweed: Gim, Parae, Gamtae, and Maesaengi, 3/4 of which I had never even heard of, let alone tasted. We then were introduced to the main seafood dishes of the nights: 3 different types of Ggomak (Blood cockles), 2 different types of Gwamaegi (Dried fish), and Mohm Seaweed soup. There was a seemingly endless supply of each, even after stuffing ourselves to our hearts content, and we were each sent home with a goodie bag as well.
Priced the same as a fancy restaurant (and with the same quality of food) but with the added educational benefit, Bburi’s events are not to be missed for anyone looking to expand their gastronomic horizons.
To find out more, visit the website or find them on Facebook.