Dr Sung’s Clinic | Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Dr Sung’s Clinic | Yongsan-gu, Seoul

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Dr Sung’s Clinic Seoul

Dr Sung’s Clinic is an English-speaking international clinic specialised in meeting women’s health needs and providing satisfaction through various health improvements.

Dr Sung and staff offer medical services such as gynecology and obstetrics, health screening, internal medicine and alternative medicine. They also provide aesthetic procedures such such as medical skin care, thread lift, aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery and anti-aging solutions, as well as a weight control clinic.

Many patients who come through the doors of Dr Sung’s Clinic will have issues surrounding skin care, cosmetic surgery, pre and post natal care, fertility issues, sexual dysfunction issues, contraception, internal medicine and alternative medicine, They are versed in modern technology and methods which can help determine which option serves women best.

To see their services and staff in detail, please visit their website. Dr Sung’s Clinic also asks to call ahead first to make an appointment.

They are located on the 3rd floor of the Hyundai Liberty House in Yongsan-gu, Seoul.

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